
Reliability is a continuous supply of electricity. We aim to meet the reliability targets set by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) each year. We do this by working to improve the supply network. 

Supply reliability targets

Our reliability targets are listed below. These targets are updated annually.

1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025 (FY25) Urban feeder Short rural feeder Long rural feeder
Average minutes off supply per customer (unplanned power outages) 87 mins 195 mins 294 mins
Average number of supply interruptions per customer longer than 3 minutes (unplanned power outages) 0.89 2.01 2.63
Average duration of an unplanned customer interruption + 98 mins 97 mins 112 mins
Average number of momentary interruptions per customer less than 3 minutes (unplanned power outages) 2.82 5.66 9.92
Average minutes off supply per customer (planned power outages) * 109 mins 184 mins 284 mins

Derived based on USAIDI and USAIFI targets.
* No AER targets. Internal only based on FY19-FY23 (5 year) weighted average.

We estimate that approximately 42,000 customers may be entitled to a Guaranteed Service Level payment in the 2024-2025 financial year relating to supply restoration and low reliability service levels set by the Electricity Distribution Code of Practice.

The AER defines:

  • an urban feeder as a high-voltage circuit with load density greater than 300kVA/km. Covers outer metropolitan suburbs and major towns 
  • a short rural feeder as a high-voltage circuit which is not an urban feeder with total length less than 200 km. Covers rural areas near major towns 
  • a long rural feeder as a high-voltage circuit which is not an urban feeder with total length greater than 200 km. Covers remote rural areas. 

If you would like to know more, please contact us.
