
We're privately owned by Australian Energy Holdings No. 4 Pty Limited, a company controlled by Brookfield Asset Management.

The consortium of co-investors includes:

  • Sunsuper Superannuation Fund, an Australian multi-industry superannuation fund
  • Alberta Investment Management Corporation, an institutional investment manager for pension, endowment and government funds in Alberta, Canada
  • Investment Management Corporation of Ontario, an investment manager overseeing assets on behalf of public sector institutions in Ontario, Canada
  • Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan, a defined benefit pension plan for healthcare workers in Ontario, Canada
  • Canada’s Public Sector Pension Investment Board.

For more information on the acquisition, read the ASX announcement (PDF 61KB).

Debt investor information

Warning: Scam to invest in fake AusNet bonds  


The AusNet Group* has a range of debt security funding programs, including the following:

  • US Dollar Medium Term Note Program (please note this is a multicurrency program)
  • Australian Dollar Debt Issuance Program (please note this is also a multicurrency program)
  • Australian Dollar Commercial Paper Program.

Wholesale investors holding notes issued under any of these programs, can view more information by clicking on the link below. Viewing this information is subject to accepting AusNet terms and conditions and all applicable securities, financial and other laws. The majority of program documents require you to then enter a password before they open for viewing.

* see Terms and Conditions of Use section

Funding programs

View current available funding

Financial results

AusNet Services Holdings announced on 6 Sep 2022 that:

  • for the purpose of 2022, AusNet Services Holdings will adopt a new financial year of 1 April 2022 until 31 December 2022
  • for the purpose of each subsequent year, AusNet Services Holdings will adopt a financial year of 1 January until 31 December. 


You can find historical results at Company results.  

AusNet Services Holdings


For debt related enquiries, including credit ratings, please contact:
Alastair Watson
Head of Treasury

Historic shareholder information

AusNet Services Limited (now AusNet Pty Ltd) was delisted from the Australian Stock Exchange on 16 February 2022, after all shares in AusNet Services were acquired by Australian Energy Holdings No 4 Pty Limited - a company controlled by Brookfield Asset Management.

You can find historical results, market announcements, dividend information and taxation information regarding AusNet Services Limited (now AusNet Pty Ltd) below:


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