Step 1: What are the objectives of your community energy project?
Clearly define and agree on your community energy project’s objectives. For example, you might want:
- base-level resilience for relief centres and essential services
- community-wide resilience during extreme weather events
- totally renewable or net zero carbon ambitions
- to expand your local economy into renewables
- to generate additional community revenue by participating and trading in the energy market.
The scale, complexity and cost of your energy solution may change significantly based on your project’s primary energy objective. Make sure you engage broadly within your community to define and agree on your community’s primary energy objective up-front.
Step 2: Establish your project by organising your community’s finance and governance
Before starting your project, carefully consider your source(s) of funding and legal structure – for example, unincorporated, incorporated, cooperative, unlisted public company or social enterprise.
To establish the project, you should:
- appoint a dedicated project manager
- agree on how your community energy project will be governed, including the committee, community group members or partners you need to involve, and their responsibilities
- set up your project with key stakeholders
- formalise the project by ensuring good project management practices are followed throughout the project’s lifecycle.
Step 3: Gather information and commission a feasibility study
Once your project’s objectives, finance and governance are agreed and the project is formalised:
- submit a network data request to support the feasibility study
- conduct a feasibility study to determine the best energy solution and business model for your community.
Decision Point – Is the energy solution feasible for your community?
If yes, continue to point 4.
If no, you may want to investigate a different community solution or stop the project at this point - noting the feasibility study found the project was not feasible.
Step 4: Conduct preliminary works and the grid connection process
You can now start the preliminary works stage. To do this, you’ll need to review and follow the relevant Grid Connection process based on the size of your energy solution. For more information, see Electricity connections.
Step 5: Procure, install and commission the energy solution
Once your preliminary works stage is complete and we have approved your grid connection, you can start procuring, installing and commissioning your energy solution.
Step 6: Operationalise your energy solution
This is the final step. You are now ready to connect your community energy solution. For more information, see Electricity connections.
Make sure there are ongoing operation and maintenance plans in place. Once your energy solution is up and running, we suggest reviewing and evaluating the process you went through and documenting any learnings before planning your next project.
For more information, see our FAQs.
Key stages of your project
To help you through the process, we’ve prepared detailed information about each stage – the feasibility study, preliminary works and implementation works. Note: these are just a guide. Please tailor these stages to suit your community energy project.
Feasibility StudyWhat is it? A detailed assessment to determine if the project and energy solution is achievable. It includes:
What’s the outcome?
Preliminary WorksWhat’s involved?
What’s the outcome?
Implementation WorksWhat’s involved?
What’s the outcome?